Don't Worry Its Not That Bad
We'll Ensure You Are Financial Safe
Bankruptcy Due To Debt? 'EasyOnDebt' Can Help You!
‘EasyOnDebt’, SBH’s proprietary debt management plan and the first of its kind in Malaysia. It is a successful debt management system that has help relieve countless credit card debts or personal bank loans.
‘EasyOnDebt’ is a bank debt management solution customized to each financial debt situation. It can effectively help you reduce your debt interest rate, extend your debt repayment period and save you from personal reputation damage, wherein your credit card or personal loan debts are expected be paid off effectively.
What can EasyOnDebt do for you?

Adjust your monthly repayment to fit your affordability

Lengthen the debt repayment term period

Negotiate for more flexible repayment terms

Reduce annual interest rates on your debts

Help improve your credit scores

Avoid being blacklisted by the banks

Provide financial knowledge and guidance to improve your financial management skills in the future

Easier to get loan from bank after restructured debt
Understand First, Decide Later
No Documents Required For Preliminary Contact, 100% Free Consultation, No Hidden Charges
How it works?
1 - Free Consultation
Meet a consultant and brief them on your situation
2 - Strategy Formulation
Our consultant will analyze your situation and formulate a resolution.
3 - Strategy Presentation
The debt resolution plan will be presented to you personally.
4 - Your Feedback Matters
We'll work on amending the plan until you're satisfied.
5 - Achieve Freedom!
You provide approval for the resolution plan and start executing it to a brighter financial future.
Why Choose EasyOnDebt?

It uses fully legal and above board strategies

All restructuring of loans are with your credit card issuing bank

All repayments will be made to your original credit card account

No additional loans taken

Free consultation

No hidden processing/ handling fees

Your privacy guaranteed
We Encourage Consolidation, With 100% Restructuring Solutions From A Bank.
More to the point, SBH does not provide loans. With our bank debt management and consolidatio programs, all funds are 100% secured from banks. Everything is done in accordance with bank regulations, so that you can borrow with complete peace of mind and enjoy an easy repayment scheme at the same time!
Our Clients, Our Priority
Husnee2024-08-10 I recently had the pleasure of working with Natalie, SK and Eing from SBH Financial Consultancy which I found through CTOS Credit Founder. Reliable and thrustworthy financial consultancy firm. Very professional and teaching me so many financial knowledge and most importantly be able to solve related matters. Thank you to all from SBH Financial Consultancy. Highly recommended! lim cl2024-08-09 SBH financial 真的是特别棒非常专业的financial consultancy ,帮我解决了我家人庞大的医药费! 在这里诚心感谢SBH consultant AU YONG 和Darren,你们真的非常专业称职,快,狠,准!!其实我是mco 就接触到SBH, 但是当时就只是询问有些loan问题。过后,再机缘巧合下认识了AuYong, 他是一位很礼貌有耐心的人,信息都是很快就回复。基本上我的每个问题他都有问必答,试问看有哪个consultant 会照顾回复客人问题长达2年的。他的回答都是很中肯专业的,真的让我印象深刻!早几个月前,我家人突然生病需要一笔蛮大数目的医药费。我第一个想到的就是AuYong,我给他打了电话详细的告诉他我的问题和需要那些帮助帮助让我度过难关。我告诉他,这个是救命钱,希望他和SBH可以帮助借贷到这笔医药费!他听了,马上就向我拿了相关的文件在最短时间内给了我专业advise和bank offers。他也非常尽心尽力协助我,安抚我的情绪,这个让我真的非常感动。还记得,当时第一次见Au Yong, 应该是说在电话里谈了无数次,见面还是头一回呢。那种感觉很亲切,感觉就是他了,他应该可以帮到我!坐下详谈,他给了我希望也给了几个专业方案,让我和先生都有了信心。一切准备就续,他也帮我成交bank loan. 在最短时间内,真的如愿一切都是真的如他proposed 的方案一样,得到我要的数目, 利息真的很合理。终于有这笔救命钱了!!还记得等待loan results 的那个星期,我和先生都忐忑不定,怕有什么散失!所以当一看到group chat loan approved, 我真的眼泪都要流出来!我马上WhatsApp AuYong,真的很感恩感动!你和Darren 真的好棒!!Au Yong 也马上给我打了电话,我们2个都很激动,声音都是颤抖的,我的眼泪一直流!正如他说的,我们在对的时间点做了对的事情,一起如愿以偿!非常感谢Auyong和Darren,我知道我的case 让他们很有压力。你们真的特别棒!我们真的感恩,感谢你们的帮忙!SBHconsultancy 的老板,您真的培育了很好专业的consultants, 一级棒加油啊!感谢你们,爱你们噢!!好的东西真的要分享,有financial or loan 问题记得要找SBH Au Yong!! 他一定可以给你最好专业的advise! Zul Hilmi2024-08-08 Very detail and great consultation that can help you review and manage your financial. Chris & CTOS CREDIT FINDER. Rozahalini Rozlan2024-07-31 Very kind and soft spoken staff. Thanks to SK and CTOS CREDIT FINDER help me a lot to understand about my financial problem and good explanation about the process. anbumalar narayanan2024-07-31 SK and CTOS CREDIT. Perkhidmatan amat memuaskan. Pegawai telah member I penerangan yang jelas Dan ianya sangat berguna kepada saya. Terima kasih. Muhammad Afiq2024-07-29 Berurusan dengan en sk dan ctos credit finder untuk membantu tentang masalah kewangan saya.. pendapat Dan bantuan Dari pihak mereka dpt membantu saya untuk memyelesaikan masalah saya.. terima kasih Lim Heng Yong2024-07-25 Very Good service, recommended. Thank you SBH FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY especially to Mr Anson for cheering up my life. GANESH KUMAR092024-07-19 Mr .CHRIS and CTOS CREDIT FINDER very helpful service teaching me so many financial knowledge highly recommended Mohd Hafizi58252024-07-17 MANY THANKS TO SK FOR SERVICES AND HELPING ME TO UNDER STAND THE PLAN TO USE.KIND STAFF WITH GOOD AND SOFT SPOKEN.EXPLAIN UNTIL ME UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS AND PROCEDURE. THANKS TO SK & CTOS CREDIT FINDER sitinorarbaaiyah 002024-07-09 SK & CTOS CREDIT FINDER SAYA SUKA DENGAN LAYANAN MESRA DAN PENERANGAN YANG DIBERIKAN .. Terima Kasih sebab bantu saya ..
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Frequently Asked Questions
We will calculate the charges based on the client’s financial report and situation. The fees are fixed within the range of 4% to 10%. Book an appointment with us to learn more!
It will depend on how you able to restructure and solve the current loan.
Most of the time, our consultant will be giving constructive advice in terms of loans and how you can stay ahead in the journey. However, the situation varies due to your initial credit score.
Those who are unable to fully settle their credit card outstanding balances every month and have various financial commitments.
Ready to Get Financed? We'll Lead the Way
Understand First, Decide Later
No Documents Required For Preliminary Contact, 100% Free Consultation, No Hidden Charges